We have some exciting news to announce! In this day and age where information flies furiously through the internet (ala Twitter, Facebook, etc.), we want to serve you swiftly also.
That's why...
we're announcing our new LatterDayAuthors email group at Yahoo! Here is the link where you can sign up: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LatterDayAuthors
This group is open to all LDS writers who are interested in being part of a supportive group, one made up of group members eager to help assist each other in writing endeavors.
You might be a playwright. You might be a novelist, a screenwriter, even a poet. It doesn't matter. Our group is open for Latter-day Saints who love writing and desire to improve their craft.
Come visit us today! We've just started the group and are eager to get it going. We'll still do BIAMs and will periodically revisit the old forum (it's under construction at the moment). But we are so excited to be able to provide this quicker form of communication for your writing questions.
So jump on in and sign up for the LatterDayAuthors' Yahoo group. We'll think you'll love it! Here is the link.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Lisa Mangum's Debut Novel is Out!
I have loved getting to know Lisa Mangum better, both through our recent interview series over at BellaOnline.com (here and here) and at a recent writers' conference. I have been extremely impressed with Lisa as a person. Could you meet a kinder, sweeter individual? I think not. No wonder so many that know her love her.
But being sweet and kind will not necessarily feed or create a can't-put-it-down novel. Lisa's new book, The Hourglass Door, is a work of delightful creativity that stays with you long after finishing it. I had a hard time putting it down. And for all Twilight fans out there, I have news . . . I think Lisa's novel offers more.
In the past two portions of my interview with debut novelist, Lisa Mangum, we learned how The Hourglass Door evolved and the process she used to write it. In this final installment, she shares her future plans and insider information about the publishing industry.
C.S.: Lisa, what other books do you have planned?
LISA: The story of Abby and Dante is a trilogy, so right now I’m working on book two. But I’m also working on an adult fantasy novel that’s about halfway finished. And I have a whole file of ideas on the computer and in my writing notebook just waiting for me to tend to it.
C.S.: How long did it take to hear back the good news for The Hourglass Door? For those perhaps unfamiliar with the process, what was this like?
LISA: Having been in the publishing business for more than a decade, I can promise you that no two authors take the same road to publication. And whether it takes two weeks, two months, or two years, each acceptance is as individual as the author itself. My path to publication was shortened by the fact that I work directly with the people making the decisions. But even then, I knew it wasn’t a given that Shadow Mountain would pick up my book. Publishing is a business, after all, and I knew Chris Schoebinger (our Product Director over YA fiction) wouldn’t say yes to a book unless he knew it was a good business decision—no matter who wrote it. So like every other author, I waited anxiously for his decision and fretted and worried and second-guessed my work. And, like so many other authors, I felt that wonderful wave of relief and joy and excitement when I sat in his office and he said, yes, he wanted to publish my book for real.
C.S.: What is critical that other writers should know about the submission process to a publisher?
LISA: How many pages do you have? J Maybe I can boil it down to these three things: One, submit your work to the right publisher. It doesn’t matter how brilliant your novel is if the publisher you send it to doesn’t publish fiction. Two, have patience. I know everybody hates to wait, especially to hear back about a manuscript, but more often than not the old adage is true: no news is good news. It’s easy to say no to bad manuscripts and send them back; if a publisher is hanging on to a manuscript, generally it’s because there is something there that they don’t want to lose. Three, rejections aren’t personal. There are a gazillion different reasons why a publisher decides to pass on a project—and none of them are because they don’t like you as a person. So keep writing and keep submitting your work.
C.S.: What is your favorite part about being a writer?
LISA: I love that moment when a phrase or a scene or an emotion grabs hold of you and won’t let go. And when you get it down on paper, it’s like you’ve turned a key and the floodgates open. It’s those moments when I feel like the story is telling itself and I just hope I can do it justice by writing it down.
C.S.: What is the most frustrating part?
LISA: For me, it’s been learning how to turn off the editor part of my brain and just write. I can’t count the number of times I’ve had to tell myself, “Don’t worry about it. Fix it later,” because part of me wants to stop and look up a grammar rule or check the spelling of a word.
C.S.: Did you ever experience writer's block in the process of writing The Hourglass Door? What would you recommend to other writers if they experience obstacles to their story and/or world-building?
LISA: There were a few times when I sat down to write and nothing happened. On days when that happened, I found that if I told myself, “Just write something; you can delete it later,” I felt free to play around, make my characters do crazy things, and wander into uncharted plot territory. And while I often did delete a whole hour’s worth of work, there were times I would find something worth keeping or worth rewriting another day when I could look at the scene with fresh eyes. Another thing that helped when I ran into a block was to skip it and write something else. I’d just leave myself a note—“finish chapter,” “add transition,” “add something cool here”—and then jump ahead to another part of the story. For example, if a scene with Abby and Valerie was stagnating, then I’d say to myself, “Well, I know I need a scene with Abby and Zo where they talk about this-and-such” and I’d insert a page break and move on.
C.S.: Who have you been most inspired by in your life? What encourages you on difficult days? Or do you never have discouraging moments? :0)
LISA: There are two people who inspire me the most: my mom and my husband, Tracy. Mom is a writer too (she’s LaRene Gaunt, Assistant Managing Editor at the Ensign magazine) and we are like two peas in a pod when it comes to loving the minutiae of a story. She really was the one who set me on the path of being a lifelong reader and lover of words. And she was the one who helped me achieve my dream of being an editor. Tracy is my number-one fan. He always seems to know just when to jump in with the perfect bit of encouragement, or when to stand back and let me find my own way. On difficult days, I know I can always turn to my family and they’ll pull me through.
C.S.: Who are your favorite authors?
LISA: A loaded question, to be sure. Currently, or of all-time? Fiction or non-fiction? Which genre—fantasy, romance, mystery, historical fiction? Since I’ve been reading since I was three years old, and since I’ll read just about anything I can get my hands on, I have a long list of favorite authors and books. I’m dying waiting for the new Patrick Rothfuss novel. And the new George R.R. Martin novel. I’ll read anything Tad Williams writes. Watchmen blew my mind. So did Neal Stephenson’s epic Anatham, which made me wish I’d paid more attention to both science and philosophy in college. I loved Neil Gaimen’s Newberry-winner The Graveyard Book. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is high on my list of all-time favorite books. Stephen King’s Dark Tower series is brilliant, as is Lisey’s Story and The Stand. I had the privilege of attending a reading of Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake—I got chills listening to her talk about that book. But ask me again tomorrow and I’ll probably have an entirely different list . . . J
C.S.: What have you seen as some of the most damaging choices an author might make to his or her career ?
LISA: The author-editor relationship is so important and, speaking as an editor, it’s hard when an author fights you on every edit, every change, every suggestion. Having said that, though, there are times when an author needs to fight for their story and their voice. I think the ideal lies somewhere in between—where an author and an editor can build a professional and respectful relationship and understand that everything they do is in the service of the story and for the good of the reader. Editors are here to help—if you’ll let us.
The author-publisher relationship is equally important. Publishing is a business, so you have to have some business-savvy to survive, but still balance it with that creative spark and passion that made you want to write in the first place.
C.S.: Do you have other works in progress? If so, will your path to complete them follow a similar pattern as The Hourglass Door, or will you adjust how you write your next book?
LISA: Writing book two — working title, The Golden Spiral — is following the same path as The Hourglass Door, and I’m happy to report that things are going great. I’m excited by the story and I think some great things are emerging.
C.S.: What words of encouragement would you give other writers?
LISA: Tracy and I love to go to Disneyland on vacation, and one year when we were there, we passed a wall that had a collection of inspirational quotes from Walt Disney and some Imagineers. I fell in love with one them: “Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. Don’t quit.” Don’t hurry your talent—cherish it, develop it. Don’t worry if you make a mistake—rewriting is not a sign of failure, it’s the mark of a great writer. Don’t quit—persistence, persistence, persistence.
C.S.: How do you maintain balance? You lead a busy life!
LISA: It’s about prioritizing and multi-tasking. It’s about making choices. I’m also a big fan of checklists—I love that rush of endorphins when I can check something off my list. Long ago I decided to not bring work home with me. I do what I can to complete my tasks at work, and then I go home. If that means building in more editing time for a project, or asking for help, or figuring out ways to work faster or smarter or harder, so be it. But that way, when I’m home, I’m home: I can spend time with my family, I can work on my stories, I can play on the weekends and not feel guilty about missing a deadline at work.
C.S.: What is your philosophy about life, writing, living?
LISA: My friend at work has a quote in her office that says, “Don’t place a period where God has placed a comma.” I think that holds true in life and in writing. You can’t ever stop reaching for your dream, developing your talent, becoming a better person, because you never know when what you think is a end is really the beginning of something new. I hope that I can always keep going and keep growing.
C.S.: And for those who love trivia, what is your favorite color, food, and music group?
LISA: Green. Chocolate. Rush.
C.S.: Any final words on how our readers can find you and your book signings when The Hourglass Door releases? Do you have a newsletter they can join to hear the latest on The Hourglass Door and future works?
LISA: I’m building my web site LisaMangum.com where I plan on hosting my blog and all the latest, greatest information about me and all my books—current and future. Shadow Mountain will also have www.LeosDungeon.com to market and advertise all three books about Abby and Dante. I’m excited to do some book signings and getting out there to tell people about my book.
I'd like to thank Lisa for the time she's taken with us today, especially in light of her busy schedule. And the best part? The wait is over. The Hourglass Door is an excellent read when you need a little pick me up. You can get yours today at Deseret Book stores and online here.
But being sweet and kind will not necessarily feed or create a can't-put-it-down novel. Lisa's new book, The Hourglass Door, is a work of delightful creativity that stays with you long after finishing it. I had a hard time putting it down. And for all Twilight fans out there, I have news . . . I think Lisa's novel offers more.
In the past two portions of my interview with debut novelist, Lisa Mangum, we learned how The Hourglass Door evolved and the process she used to write it. In this final installment, she shares her future plans and insider information about the publishing industry.
C.S.: Lisa, what other books do you have planned?
LISA: The story of Abby and Dante is a trilogy, so right now I’m working on book two. But I’m also working on an adult fantasy novel that’s about halfway finished. And I have a whole file of ideas on the computer and in my writing notebook just waiting for me to tend to it.
C.S.: How long did it take to hear back the good news for The Hourglass Door? For those perhaps unfamiliar with the process, what was this like?
LISA: Having been in the publishing business for more than a decade, I can promise you that no two authors take the same road to publication. And whether it takes two weeks, two months, or two years, each acceptance is as individual as the author itself. My path to publication was shortened by the fact that I work directly with the people making the decisions. But even then, I knew it wasn’t a given that Shadow Mountain would pick up my book. Publishing is a business, after all, and I knew Chris Schoebinger (our Product Director over YA fiction) wouldn’t say yes to a book unless he knew it was a good business decision—no matter who wrote it. So like every other author, I waited anxiously for his decision and fretted and worried and second-guessed my work. And, like so many other authors, I felt that wonderful wave of relief and joy and excitement when I sat in his office and he said, yes, he wanted to publish my book for real.
C.S.: What is critical that other writers should know about the submission process to a publisher?
LISA: How many pages do you have? J Maybe I can boil it down to these three things: One, submit your work to the right publisher. It doesn’t matter how brilliant your novel is if the publisher you send it to doesn’t publish fiction. Two, have patience. I know everybody hates to wait, especially to hear back about a manuscript, but more often than not the old adage is true: no news is good news. It’s easy to say no to bad manuscripts and send them back; if a publisher is hanging on to a manuscript, generally it’s because there is something there that they don’t want to lose. Three, rejections aren’t personal. There are a gazillion different reasons why a publisher decides to pass on a project—and none of them are because they don’t like you as a person. So keep writing and keep submitting your work.
C.S.: What is your favorite part about being a writer?
LISA: I love that moment when a phrase or a scene or an emotion grabs hold of you and won’t let go. And when you get it down on paper, it’s like you’ve turned a key and the floodgates open. It’s those moments when I feel like the story is telling itself and I just hope I can do it justice by writing it down.
C.S.: What is the most frustrating part?
LISA: For me, it’s been learning how to turn off the editor part of my brain and just write. I can’t count the number of times I’ve had to tell myself, “Don’t worry about it. Fix it later,” because part of me wants to stop and look up a grammar rule or check the spelling of a word.
C.S.: Did you ever experience writer's block in the process of writing The Hourglass Door? What would you recommend to other writers if they experience obstacles to their story and/or world-building?
LISA: There were a few times when I sat down to write and nothing happened. On days when that happened, I found that if I told myself, “Just write something; you can delete it later,” I felt free to play around, make my characters do crazy things, and wander into uncharted plot territory. And while I often did delete a whole hour’s worth of work, there were times I would find something worth keeping or worth rewriting another day when I could look at the scene with fresh eyes. Another thing that helped when I ran into a block was to skip it and write something else. I’d just leave myself a note—“finish chapter,” “add transition,” “add something cool here”—and then jump ahead to another part of the story. For example, if a scene with Abby and Valerie was stagnating, then I’d say to myself, “Well, I know I need a scene with Abby and Zo where they talk about this-and-such” and I’d insert a page break and move on.
C.S.: Who have you been most inspired by in your life? What encourages you on difficult days? Or do you never have discouraging moments? :0)
LISA: There are two people who inspire me the most: my mom and my husband, Tracy. Mom is a writer too (she’s LaRene Gaunt, Assistant Managing Editor at the Ensign magazine) and we are like two peas in a pod when it comes to loving the minutiae of a story. She really was the one who set me on the path of being a lifelong reader and lover of words. And she was the one who helped me achieve my dream of being an editor. Tracy is my number-one fan. He always seems to know just when to jump in with the perfect bit of encouragement, or when to stand back and let me find my own way. On difficult days, I know I can always turn to my family and they’ll pull me through.
C.S.: Who are your favorite authors?
LISA: A loaded question, to be sure. Currently, or of all-time? Fiction or non-fiction? Which genre—fantasy, romance, mystery, historical fiction? Since I’ve been reading since I was three years old, and since I’ll read just about anything I can get my hands on, I have a long list of favorite authors and books. I’m dying waiting for the new Patrick Rothfuss novel. And the new George R.R. Martin novel. I’ll read anything Tad Williams writes. Watchmen blew my mind. So did Neal Stephenson’s epic Anatham, which made me wish I’d paid more attention to both science and philosophy in college. I loved Neil Gaimen’s Newberry-winner The Graveyard Book. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is high on my list of all-time favorite books. Stephen King’s Dark Tower series is brilliant, as is Lisey’s Story and The Stand. I had the privilege of attending a reading of Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake—I got chills listening to her talk about that book. But ask me again tomorrow and I’ll probably have an entirely different list . . . J
C.S.: What have you seen as some of the most damaging choices an author might make to his or her career ?
LISA: The author-editor relationship is so important and, speaking as an editor, it’s hard when an author fights you on every edit, every change, every suggestion. Having said that, though, there are times when an author needs to fight for their story and their voice. I think the ideal lies somewhere in between—where an author and an editor can build a professional and respectful relationship and understand that everything they do is in the service of the story and for the good of the reader. Editors are here to help—if you’ll let us.
The author-publisher relationship is equally important. Publishing is a business, so you have to have some business-savvy to survive, but still balance it with that creative spark and passion that made you want to write in the first place.
C.S.: Do you have other works in progress? If so, will your path to complete them follow a similar pattern as The Hourglass Door, or will you adjust how you write your next book?
LISA: Writing book two — working title, The Golden Spiral — is following the same path as The Hourglass Door, and I’m happy to report that things are going great. I’m excited by the story and I think some great things are emerging.
C.S.: What words of encouragement would you give other writers?
LISA: Tracy and I love to go to Disneyland on vacation, and one year when we were there, we passed a wall that had a collection of inspirational quotes from Walt Disney and some Imagineers. I fell in love with one them: “Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. Don’t quit.” Don’t hurry your talent—cherish it, develop it. Don’t worry if you make a mistake—rewriting is not a sign of failure, it’s the mark of a great writer. Don’t quit—persistence, persistence, persistence.
C.S.: How do you maintain balance? You lead a busy life!
LISA: It’s about prioritizing and multi-tasking. It’s about making choices. I’m also a big fan of checklists—I love that rush of endorphins when I can check something off my list. Long ago I decided to not bring work home with me. I do what I can to complete my tasks at work, and then I go home. If that means building in more editing time for a project, or asking for help, or figuring out ways to work faster or smarter or harder, so be it. But that way, when I’m home, I’m home: I can spend time with my family, I can work on my stories, I can play on the weekends and not feel guilty about missing a deadline at work.
C.S.: What is your philosophy about life, writing, living?
LISA: My friend at work has a quote in her office that says, “Don’t place a period where God has placed a comma.” I think that holds true in life and in writing. You can’t ever stop reaching for your dream, developing your talent, becoming a better person, because you never know when what you think is a end is really the beginning of something new. I hope that I can always keep going and keep growing.
C.S.: And for those who love trivia, what is your favorite color, food, and music group?
LISA: Green. Chocolate. Rush.
C.S.: Any final words on how our readers can find you and your book signings when The Hourglass Door releases? Do you have a newsletter they can join to hear the latest on The Hourglass Door and future works?
LISA: I’m building my web site LisaMangum.com where I plan on hosting my blog and all the latest, greatest information about me and all my books—current and future. Shadow Mountain will also have www.LeosDungeon.com to market and advertise all three books about Abby and Dante. I’m excited to do some book signings and getting out there to tell people about my book.
I'd like to thank Lisa for the time she's taken with us today, especially in light of her busy schedule. And the best part? The wait is over. The Hourglass Door is an excellent read when you need a little pick me up. You can get yours today at Deseret Book stores and online here.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
More with Lisa Mangum, YA Author
Last month we were chatting with debut novelist, Lisa Mangum, about her book, The Hourglass Door, set to release May 2009 and published by Shadow Mountain (national imprint of Deseret Book). She has worked as a serious editor for years, but launching her first novel has been an exciting twist in her life.
Lisa was kind enough to share a bit more about The Hourglass Door, an imaginative story of two teens working to save life as they know it. Although I finished reading it within two days of receiving it...last month...I still can't stop thinking about it. It's that kind of an intriguing read.
C.S.: Thank you, Lisa, for chatting again with us. You have introduced some intriguing concepts within your first book. So I just have to ask, when did the glimmer of these ideas first strike you?
LISA: It was June 13, 2007. Yes, I remember the exact date. I might even be able to tell you the exact time! I remember because I was talking with Chris Schoebinger (my coworker at Shadow Mountain) about young adult fiction and why certain books are better than others. Our conversation was interrupted, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. That night after work, I had to drive to Provo, Utah, to attend a writer’s conference and suddenly, there it was. I was driving around the point of the mountain and the story just seemed to drop into my head. It was like Abby and Dante jumped in the car with me and wouldn’t stop talking.
Since I was on the freeway, I couldn’t stop driving, so I just told the story to myself out loud, working out details, repeating storylines so I wouldn’t forget anything. As soon as I pulled into the parking lot, I outlined the whole thing on scraps of paper I scrounged up in my car. Twenty minutes later, I had run out of paper and was almost late to the conference. I found Chris and told him about my brainstorm. He said, “When did you do this?” and I said, “On the drive here. What do you think?” and he said, “I think you should write it.” So I did. And a little more than a year later, I was finished.
C.S.: As you were working on this manuscript, which part felt the most naturally vibrant to you? Or did you have to work to make the story come alive?
LISA: In some ways, I think the conversations between Abby and her best friend Valerie were the easiest parts to write. I’m lucky that I have friends with big personalities and so I had a lot of real-life material to drawn on and fictionalize.
C.S.: Ah, yes, I thoroughly enjoyed the interactions between Abby and Valerie. Very real, very fresh. What about the other characters?
LISA:I was surprised a little at how quickly the characters bonded to each other—they felt like real friends or enemies or lovers—and all I had to do was try to keep up. The ending is also one of my favorite parts. I wrote a huge chunk of that in one sitting—just me and the computer—and the story just flowed out effortlessly. I hardly changed it at all during the rewrites.
C.S.: Do you have a favorite character from The Hourglass Door? If so, who and why?
LISA: Is it a cop-out to say that I like them all? J Writing Valerie always made me laugh. I identified with Abby’s quest to break free of other people’s expectations for her. I think Dante is downright dreamy. Zo demanded—and got—many of my best lines (turns out the villain hates to share!). And Leo had such a quiet strength about him, he always reminded me of my father.
C.S.: What are your thoughts about writers groups, critique groups? Do you participate in one?
LISA: I do. We meet every other Saturday morning for breakfast and to talk about our work. We rotate deadlines so we can focus on one person’s story at a time. That way we aren’t overloaded by having to turn in something new every week as well as read everyone else’s work at the same time. It’s worked out really well for us and many of us in the group have finished whole books that way.
I think writer’s groups are essential. It’s the best place to get honest feedback and specific critiques. As an editor, I can’t always give an author details about his or her manuscript. As a writer, I love being able to discuss big picture items—character arcs, pacing, plot twists—as well as the details—does that comma really go there? Is that really the best word choice? I’m energized every time we meet, even when we aren’t talking about my story.
C.S.: Some authors outline; some refuse to. Which kind of writer are you?
LISA: I used to try to write chronologically: Chapter one. Chapter two. All the way to the end. But I learned early on that it’s hard for me to write a book like that. I’d get stuck and instead of skipping the tricky part, I’d just stop.
I took a different approach with The Hourglass Door. After my brainstorm where I mapped out all the relationships and overall plot of the story, I took two or three days and handwrote an outline on the train as I commuted to work. It wasn’t anything fancy, just “Here’s what happens in chapter 1. Here’s what happens in chapter 2.” (Some of my notes were nothing more than “and then something cool happens.”)
Even though I outlined the book chronologically, I wrote whatever I felt like, whenever I felt like it. I wrote the first three chapters in a chunk because those were the scenes that wouldn’t leave me alone. But I didn’t write the Prologue until months and months later.
As I wrote, I realized what I had originally outlined wasn’t going to work so the whole second half of the book changed as the story took on its own life. That’s the fun part about writing—seeing how the story changes and following it down unexpected paths.
C.S.: Working as an editor by day and an author in the after-hours, how did you manage to complete this book? Were there days you never wanted to see a printed page again? :0)
LISA: That was the main reason I didn’t write for many years: I spend all morning in a chair, at a computer, thinking about words. Why would I want to come home and spend all night in a chair, at a computer, thinking about words? I was happy just being an editor for a long time. But once Abby and Dante jumped in the car with me and told me their story, I had to figure out a way to balance my day job and my writing.
I wrote a lot on the weekends. I wrote (by hand) a surprising number of pages on the train going to and from work. Honestly, I surprised at how quickly the word count added up and how many pages I ended up with considering I had to write in the fringes of my day.
C.S.: Do you need absolute quiet to be able to write?
LISA: No. In fact, I find I have a hard time working when it’s absolutely quiet. I love stretching out on the couch, turning on my laptop, setting my iPod to shuffle, and getting lost in the words and the story.
I want to thank Lisa for taking the time to chat with me some more about her new book, The Hourglass Door. It releases next month and she'll be back with us one more time to tell us about her next project and what writers need to know about the submission process to a publisher. In the meantime, you may want to pre-order your personal copy so that you can be first on the block to own The Hourglass Door!

C.S.: Thank you, Lisa, for chatting again with us. You have introduced some intriguing concepts within your first book. So I just have to ask, when did the glimmer of these ideas first strike you?
LISA: It was June 13, 2007. Yes, I remember the exact date. I might even be able to tell you the exact time! I remember because I was talking with Chris Schoebinger (my coworker at Shadow Mountain) about young adult fiction and why certain books are better than others. Our conversation was interrupted, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. That night after work, I had to drive to Provo, Utah, to attend a writer’s conference and suddenly, there it was. I was driving around the point of the mountain and the story just seemed to drop into my head. It was like Abby and Dante jumped in the car with me and wouldn’t stop talking.
Since I was on the freeway, I couldn’t stop driving, so I just told the story to myself out loud, working out details, repeating storylines so I wouldn’t forget anything. As soon as I pulled into the parking lot, I outlined the whole thing on scraps of paper I scrounged up in my car. Twenty minutes later, I had run out of paper and was almost late to the conference. I found Chris and told him about my brainstorm. He said, “When did you do this?” and I said, “On the drive here. What do you think?” and he said, “I think you should write it.” So I did. And a little more than a year later, I was finished.
C.S.: As you were working on this manuscript, which part felt the most naturally vibrant to you? Or did you have to work to make the story come alive?
LISA: In some ways, I think the conversations between Abby and her best friend Valerie were the easiest parts to write. I’m lucky that I have friends with big personalities and so I had a lot of real-life material to drawn on and fictionalize.
C.S.: Ah, yes, I thoroughly enjoyed the interactions between Abby and Valerie. Very real, very fresh. What about the other characters?
LISA:I was surprised a little at how quickly the characters bonded to each other—they felt like real friends or enemies or lovers—and all I had to do was try to keep up. The ending is also one of my favorite parts. I wrote a huge chunk of that in one sitting—just me and the computer—and the story just flowed out effortlessly. I hardly changed it at all during the rewrites.
C.S.: Do you have a favorite character from The Hourglass Door? If so, who and why?
LISA: Is it a cop-out to say that I like them all? J Writing Valerie always made me laugh. I identified with Abby’s quest to break free of other people’s expectations for her. I think Dante is downright dreamy. Zo demanded—and got—many of my best lines (turns out the villain hates to share!). And Leo had such a quiet strength about him, he always reminded me of my father.
C.S.: What are your thoughts about writers groups, critique groups? Do you participate in one?
LISA: I do. We meet every other Saturday morning for breakfast and to talk about our work. We rotate deadlines so we can focus on one person’s story at a time. That way we aren’t overloaded by having to turn in something new every week as well as read everyone else’s work at the same time. It’s worked out really well for us and many of us in the group have finished whole books that way.
I think writer’s groups are essential. It’s the best place to get honest feedback and specific critiques. As an editor, I can’t always give an author details about his or her manuscript. As a writer, I love being able to discuss big picture items—character arcs, pacing, plot twists—as well as the details—does that comma really go there? Is that really the best word choice? I’m energized every time we meet, even when we aren’t talking about my story.
C.S.: Some authors outline; some refuse to. Which kind of writer are you?
LISA: I used to try to write chronologically: Chapter one. Chapter two. All the way to the end. But I learned early on that it’s hard for me to write a book like that. I’d get stuck and instead of skipping the tricky part, I’d just stop.
I took a different approach with The Hourglass Door. After my brainstorm where I mapped out all the relationships and overall plot of the story, I took two or three days and handwrote an outline on the train as I commuted to work. It wasn’t anything fancy, just “Here’s what happens in chapter 1. Here’s what happens in chapter 2.” (Some of my notes were nothing more than “and then something cool happens.”)
Even though I outlined the book chronologically, I wrote whatever I felt like, whenever I felt like it. I wrote the first three chapters in a chunk because those were the scenes that wouldn’t leave me alone. But I didn’t write the Prologue until months and months later.
As I wrote, I realized what I had originally outlined wasn’t going to work so the whole second half of the book changed as the story took on its own life. That’s the fun part about writing—seeing how the story changes and following it down unexpected paths.
C.S.: Working as an editor by day and an author in the after-hours, how did you manage to complete this book? Were there days you never wanted to see a printed page again? :0)
LISA: That was the main reason I didn’t write for many years: I spend all morning in a chair, at a computer, thinking about words. Why would I want to come home and spend all night in a chair, at a computer, thinking about words? I was happy just being an editor for a long time. But once Abby and Dante jumped in the car with me and told me their story, I had to figure out a way to balance my day job and my writing.
I wrote a lot on the weekends. I wrote (by hand) a surprising number of pages on the train going to and from work. Honestly, I surprised at how quickly the word count added up and how many pages I ended up with considering I had to write in the fringes of my day.
C.S.: Do you need absolute quiet to be able to write?
LISA: No. In fact, I find I have a hard time working when it’s absolutely quiet. I love stretching out on the couch, turning on my laptop, setting my iPod to shuffle, and getting lost in the words and the story.
I want to thank Lisa for taking the time to chat with me some more about her new book, The Hourglass Door. It releases next month and she'll be back with us one more time to tell us about her next project and what writers need to know about the submission process to a publisher. In the meantime, you may want to pre-order your personal copy so that you can be first on the block to own The Hourglass Door!
Monday, March 23, 2009

I’m a prolific writer so the first goal wasn’t a problem. I’ve always got a pen and paper—or laptop—in my hands. The second goal, polish, was a challenge. I’m a perfectionist and felt my work was never at its best. With the help of other writers, however, I learned that polishing a story, article, or novel is just that—polishing. Polish, by definition means to buff up. When I spray furniture polish onto my piano, it doesn’t automatically shine. There is, in fact, a dull residue which only after lots of elbow grease—buffing up—begins to yield results.
I began to understand that though my writing starts out needing lots of work to make it shine that doesn’t mean I am doomed to fail. It only means I need to work until I get the results I want—just like polishing the piano.
For me that was a great realization—a blessing.
Since fifth grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer. I just didn’t know it was okay to work at making that dream come true. When I was young I wrote with enthusiasm, then I followed my mother around reading my work. Her response was constantly harsh and to the point: “Lori, writing is not your forte.” She didn’t believe I could become what I dreamed of being, and she feared I’d embarrass myself; her fears became mine.
It took a long time for me to start believing in myself.
Knowing it was alright if my words didn’t shine the first time I wrote them, or when I rewrote them the second time, or even the third, I came to the realization that I could help myself by striving to learn more about writing in general. I began to read more, books on writing and books in the genres I wanted to pursue, thus helping myself meet my third goal. Attend, fourth on the list, involved writing classes and being part of critique groups. I met lots of other writers and would be writers who shared dreams and goals similar to mine.
I become conscious that early on in my life I’d been lead to believe that writing—being a writer—was something you either could or could not do, like walking or talking. When I understood that (just like playing the piano with any degree of proficiency) becoming a writer takes time, effort, and practice I was able to let go of old fears and enjoy the process of becoming.
The last item on my list, send, became easier as well. I analyzed, versus agonized over, rejection letters and resumed polishing before I again sent my work out. In time my efforts paid off. I found many opportunities and enjoyed writing for the newspapers and magazines that asked for my work; it felt good to have my articles, short stories and essays—my own words and feelings—appear in print.
But there was something more, something I dreamed of for a long time: I wanted to write children’s books and novels.
Gathering courage amidst continued opposition, both interior and exterior, I set out once more with my five writing goals. I still have a long road to travel but I enjoy being on that road, grateful to know it's okay to do more than just sit by the wayside and wish.
Courage to write,
fear of failure,
Lori Nawyn,
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Interview with Editor and Author, Lisa Mangum
Lisa Mangum is a person who has helped writers for many years as an experienced editor. So when I heard she had her own novel coming out May 2009, I was thrilled. I love to see others succeed and creating. Lisa was kind enough to spend time with me, chatting over all kinds of things. In fact, she's going to visit with us periodically over the next two months about her pending release of The Hourglass Door. It's a YA (Young Adult) novel that is full of adventure, romance, and a whole lot of intrigue.
C.S.: Lisa, you have a new book that is scheduled for release May 13, 2009. It's categorized as YA (Young Adult), but I bet adults will fall in love with it too. I'm soooooo intrigued with the title, "The Hourglass Door." Tell us about the book.
LISA: First and foremost, it’s a love story. It’s about a girl named Abby who is going through some tough times during her senior year of high school. On the surface, she has it all figured out: cute boyfriend, good friends, and high hopes for college. But it doesn’t take long before Abby’s life starts to take a different turn. Her boyfriend is looking for fireworks, but Abby’s not so sure about her own feelings. Her friends are full of advice, but Abby’s not sure they always have her best interests at heart. And she’s pinned her college dreams on the one school that she fears she won’t get into.
And then Dante Alexander walks into her life. He’s mysterious and interesting and unlike anyone she’s met before. Sparks fly between them almost immediately, and a relationship develops between Abby and Dante. But when the lead singer of the rock band Zero Hour, Zo, takes an interest in Abby and her friends, the danger deepens—and so does the mystery. Soon Abby learns of a centuries-old secret and must make a near-impossible decision that will change her future forever.
The Hourglass Door is technically classified as Young Adult, but I like to think that readers of all ages can enjoy the story.
C.S.: When you were little, did you have any idea of what industry you wanted to work in as an adult?
LISA: Absolutely. In fact, when I was in junior high, I checked out a copy of The Writer’s Market from the library and wrote to the editors of, maybe, twenty publishing companies asking for advice: How did they get where they were? How could I do the same thing? What should I study in school? Almost everyone wrote me back with great advice and encouragement (the editor at Del Rey even sent me two free books!). I still have those letters. It was a great boost to my youthful dream; it made everything seem possible.
In college, when I would tell people I was pursuing an English degree, they all ask, “Oh, so you want to be a teacher?” and I’d say, “No, I want to be an editor.”
C.S.: When did you first start writing?
LISA: I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I’d fill up notebooks with stories, poems, and ideas. I’d spend my summers writing stories on the computer in my pajamas. I guess I started writing seriously three or four years ago when my friends and I started a writing group together. I think that was when I put writing as a priority in my life and said to myself, “Hey, I can do this!”
C.S.: Did you have any self-doubts when you first began writing?
LISA: I think all writers have that little voice in the back of their head that says, “What are you thinking? Why would anyone want to read something you wrote?” It’s hard to silence that voice, but when I do, I find that some of my best writing comes through. Maybe because those are the times I toss my fears out the window and write something that I would want to read.
Thanks, Lisa! Next month, Lisa Mangum will share with us how she got the glimmer for The Hourglass Door in the first place, her most favorite character in the book (hmmm, I wonder if it is the dreamy Dante), and especially how writers' groups are important to the improvement of pure creation. Make sure to subscribe to our blog so you'll be first to know when part two of our interview series posts.
Have fun checking out Lisa's website. And here is a bonus link to President Uchtdorf's message on creativity given at a recent General Relief Society meeting. It will inspire you and lift you, all at the same time. Who knows. Maybe it will be you next year being interviewed here for your own book!
C.S.: Lisa, you have a new book that is scheduled for release May 13, 2009. It's categorized as YA (Young Adult), but I bet adults will fall in love with it too. I'm soooooo intrigued with the title, "The Hourglass Door." Tell us about the book.

And then Dante Alexander walks into her life. He’s mysterious and interesting and unlike anyone she’s met before. Sparks fly between them almost immediately, and a relationship develops between Abby and Dante. But when the lead singer of the rock band Zero Hour, Zo, takes an interest in Abby and her friends, the danger deepens—and so does the mystery. Soon Abby learns of a centuries-old secret and must make a near-impossible decision that will change her future forever.
The Hourglass Door is technically classified as Young Adult, but I like to think that readers of all ages can enjoy the story.
C.S.: When you were little, did you have any idea of what industry you wanted to work in as an adult?
LISA: Absolutely. In fact, when I was in junior high, I checked out a copy of The Writer’s Market from the library and wrote to the editors of, maybe, twenty publishing companies asking for advice: How did they get where they were? How could I do the same thing? What should I study in school? Almost everyone wrote me back with great advice and encouragement (the editor at Del Rey even sent me two free books!). I still have those letters. It was a great boost to my youthful dream; it made everything seem possible.
In college, when I would tell people I was pursuing an English degree, they all ask, “Oh, so you want to be a teacher?” and I’d say, “No, I want to be an editor.”
C.S.: When did you first start writing?
LISA: I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I’d fill up notebooks with stories, poems, and ideas. I’d spend my summers writing stories on the computer in my pajamas. I guess I started writing seriously three or four years ago when my friends and I started a writing group together. I think that was when I put writing as a priority in my life and said to myself, “Hey, I can do this!”
C.S.: Did you have any self-doubts when you first began writing?
LISA: I think all writers have that little voice in the back of their head that says, “What are you thinking? Why would anyone want to read something you wrote?” It’s hard to silence that voice, but when I do, I find that some of my best writing comes through. Maybe because those are the times I toss my fears out the window and write something that I would want to read.
Thanks, Lisa! Next month, Lisa Mangum will share with us how she got the glimmer for The Hourglass Door in the first place, her most favorite character in the book (hmmm, I wonder if it is the dreamy Dante), and especially how writers' groups are important to the improvement of pure creation. Make sure to subscribe to our blog so you'll be first to know when part two of our interview series posts.
Have fun checking out Lisa's website. And here is a bonus link to President Uchtdorf's message on creativity given at a recent General Relief Society meeting. It will inspire you and lift you, all at the same time. Who knows. Maybe it will be you next year being interviewed here for your own book!
Monday, February 16, 2009
LDSBookCorner.com -- A Great New Website
Are you an LDS author? Do you love LDS fiction (or non-fiction)? Want to sample a book before buying it? Enjoy this interview I had recently with Deanne Blackhurst and learn about her exciting new website concept. Just wait till you read what she's been up to!
C.S.: Deanne, you have an exciting new proposition to share with us, a website all about LDS books. What was your purpose in starting this site?
DEANNE: The site is LDSBookcorner.com and it is devoted to supporting and promoting LDS authors.
It’s funny but ever since I was a little girl I’ve dreamed of owning a bookstore. Of course in my imagination it was a quaint little shop filled with new and used books, where people could browse at their leisure while I sat in a rocking chair by a fire, a cat at my feet reading a good book. Granted a cyber bookstore is a little different but I do have a wood burning stove near my computer and my black lab is curled up under the computer desk at my feet. So perhaps I’m living the dream after all.
C.S.: When did the idea first come to you?
DEANNE: I’ve always been a big reader, and always interested in LDS authors. I hate to date myself but I remember reading Charly by Jack Weyland when it first came out. Since then a lot of bright and talented new authors have been emerging. I think some of the best writing ever produced by Latter-Day Saint authors is out on the market today.
Originally I just wanted to create a place where all these books could be gathered and appreciated. But my husband pointed out to me that I had to support my dream somehow. So I became an Amazon book affiliate, which allows me to sell books without carrying the inventory. What is really cool is that I can offer everything from the most recent releases to those that have been out of print for years.
C.S.: What do you feel are the best things about LDS books?
DEANNE: First off, I want to make it clear that I support books by LDS authors, not all of which are LDS books per say. But getting back to your question…
Like many avid readers, trying to find something in the national book market today is really a crap shoot. Take Danielle Steele. First rate stories, a skilled writer but in almost every book there is at least one scene that just makes me cringe. But you wouldn’t know that from looking at the cover. No half naked men molesting half naked women. And she is quite successful.
Another example. I saw The Devil Wears Prada at the movie theater and thought I might enjoy the novel, but I couldn’t get through the first chapter because of the foul language. And don’t get me started on the blood and guts mysteries that are all the rage today.
When I open an LDS novel, I never worry. I might not like the story, but I will never be offended. I may explore the hearts and experiences of people who see the world differently than I do, but I’m never going to be fed the lies that evil is good, and good is passé.
This doesn’t just apply to fiction. There are some amazingly wise and insightful members out there who are sharing their expertise in such areas as understanding the scriptures, to how to run a family, teach a class or have a closer relationship with your spouse. I wouldn’t touch a book on intimacy in a national books store, but there are several tasteful and informative books on the subject, written by LDS experts.
C.S.: What do you wish you'd see more from LDS authors?
DEANNE: I read a lot of books so that I can review them on LDSBookcorner.com, and what I’d like to see are more authors continuing to hone their skills. In my opinion, the number one problem is the first chapter. There are so many books that are just wonderful, once you make it to chapter two. But how many new readers will push on?
On my website, I offer a feature called the Daily Chapter. For no charge, a visitor can sign up to receive five or six pages each day Monday through Friday of a select book or novel with a different book chosen each week. This allows readers to sample a number of new authors as well as their old favorites, and buy the ones that catch their interest.
But to catch a reader’s interest, those first twenty pages have to reach right out, grab the reader and pull them in. Once they’re hooked, if the plot is exciting, the threat is truly threatening, and the characters are real and likeable, then people will flock to buy the book.
I'd like to thank Deanne. Next week, we'll learn about her very own book that is slated for release soon. Until then, feel free to stop by her site at LDSBookcorner.com and sign up for the Daily Chapter. The writers participating are some of the top selling LDS authors like Jennie Hansen, Shannon Guymon, and more. She'll also be showcasing some lesser known but equally talented up and coming writers. LDS writing has grown up a lot in the last ten years, so sign up and find out what’s out there.
And while you are on the site, you are free to browse the library and explore some of the hundreds of books she has on display.
If you like what you see, pass the word around. if you know of an LDS author that isn’t on her site yet, please drop her a line at ldsbookcorner@gmail.com and tell her about them.
C.S.: Deanne, you have an exciting new proposition to share with us, a website all about LDS books. What was your purpose in starting this site?
DEANNE: The site is LDSBookcorner.com and it is devoted to supporting and promoting LDS authors.
It’s funny but ever since I was a little girl I’ve dreamed of owning a bookstore. Of course in my imagination it was a quaint little shop filled with new and used books, where people could browse at their leisure while I sat in a rocking chair by a fire, a cat at my feet reading a good book. Granted a cyber bookstore is a little different but I do have a wood burning stove near my computer and my black lab is curled up under the computer desk at my feet. So perhaps I’m living the dream after all.
C.S.: When did the idea first come to you?
DEANNE: I’ve always been a big reader, and always interested in LDS authors. I hate to date myself but I remember reading Charly by Jack Weyland when it first came out. Since then a lot of bright and talented new authors have been emerging. I think some of the best writing ever produced by Latter-Day Saint authors is out on the market today.
Originally I just wanted to create a place where all these books could be gathered and appreciated. But my husband pointed out to me that I had to support my dream somehow. So I became an Amazon book affiliate, which allows me to sell books without carrying the inventory. What is really cool is that I can offer everything from the most recent releases to those that have been out of print for years.
C.S.: What do you feel are the best things about LDS books?
DEANNE: First off, I want to make it clear that I support books by LDS authors, not all of which are LDS books per say. But getting back to your question…
Like many avid readers, trying to find something in the national book market today is really a crap shoot. Take Danielle Steele. First rate stories, a skilled writer but in almost every book there is at least one scene that just makes me cringe. But you wouldn’t know that from looking at the cover. No half naked men molesting half naked women. And she is quite successful.
Another example. I saw The Devil Wears Prada at the movie theater and thought I might enjoy the novel, but I couldn’t get through the first chapter because of the foul language. And don’t get me started on the blood and guts mysteries that are all the rage today.
When I open an LDS novel, I never worry. I might not like the story, but I will never be offended. I may explore the hearts and experiences of people who see the world differently than I do, but I’m never going to be fed the lies that evil is good, and good is passé.
This doesn’t just apply to fiction. There are some amazingly wise and insightful members out there who are sharing their expertise in such areas as understanding the scriptures, to how to run a family, teach a class or have a closer relationship with your spouse. I wouldn’t touch a book on intimacy in a national books store, but there are several tasteful and informative books on the subject, written by LDS experts.
C.S.: What do you wish you'd see more from LDS authors?
DEANNE: I read a lot of books so that I can review them on LDSBookcorner.com, and what I’d like to see are more authors continuing to hone their skills. In my opinion, the number one problem is the first chapter. There are so many books that are just wonderful, once you make it to chapter two. But how many new readers will push on?
On my website, I offer a feature called the Daily Chapter. For no charge, a visitor can sign up to receive five or six pages each day Monday through Friday of a select book or novel with a different book chosen each week. This allows readers to sample a number of new authors as well as their old favorites, and buy the ones that catch their interest.
But to catch a reader’s interest, those first twenty pages have to reach right out, grab the reader and pull them in. Once they’re hooked, if the plot is exciting, the threat is truly threatening, and the characters are real and likeable, then people will flock to buy the book.
I'd like to thank Deanne. Next week, we'll learn about her very own book that is slated for release soon. Until then, feel free to stop by her site at LDSBookcorner.com and sign up for the Daily Chapter. The writers participating are some of the top selling LDS authors like Jennie Hansen, Shannon Guymon, and more. She'll also be showcasing some lesser known but equally talented up and coming writers. LDS writing has grown up a lot in the last ten years, so sign up and find out what’s out there.
And while you are on the site, you are free to browse the library and explore some of the hundreds of books she has on display.
If you like what you see, pass the word around. if you know of an LDS author that isn’t on her site yet, please drop her a line at ldsbookcorner@gmail.com and tell her about them.
Friday, December 19, 2008
2009 LDStorymakers Conference registration is now open!
Oh, it is so exciting. The 2009 LDStorymakers Conference registration is now open. And within the first 24 hours (yesterday), nearly all of the hotel rooms were already booked. That's right; registration is filling quickly. Here is the link and in just a second, I'll share more information below (from the LDStorymaker site itself). But I have to tell you: I was present at last year's conference and it was the highlight of the year for me. Register quickly to reserve your space!
Sixth Annual
LDStorymakers Writers Conference
Friday & Saturday April 24-25, 2009
Provo Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
101 West 100 North
Provo, Utah 84601
Phone: 801-377-4700
Fax: 801-377-4708
Toll-free: 800-777-7144
Keynote Speaker Dean Lorey
who has written extensively for film, television, and recently, a middle grade fantasy series
National Agent Amy Jameson
of A + B Works Literary Agency
Editor Stacy Whitman
previously with Mirrorstone, the children's and young adult imprint of Wizards of the Coast, and now a consulting editor for Tor's children's and YA lines
Representatives from LDS publishers
including Deseret Book and Covenant
Plus many, many national and LDS authors
That's right; registration is filling quickly. But there is still time for you to register. Here is the link . Again, last year's conference was the highlight of the year for me. Register quickly to reserve your space!
Sixth Annual
LDStorymakers Writers Conference
Friday & Saturday April 24-25, 2009
Provo Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
101 West 100 North
Provo, Utah 84601
Phone: 801-377-4700
Fax: 801-377-4708
Toll-free: 800-777-7144
Keynote Speaker Dean Lorey
who has written extensively for film, television, and recently, a middle grade fantasy series
National Agent Amy Jameson
of A + B Works Literary Agency
Editor Stacy Whitman
previously with Mirrorstone, the children's and young adult imprint of Wizards of the Coast, and now a consulting editor for Tor's children's and YA lines
Representatives from LDS publishers
including Deseret Book and Covenant
Plus many, many national and LDS authors
That's right; registration is filling quickly. But there is still time for you to register. Here is the link . Again, last year's conference was the highlight of the year for me. Register quickly to reserve your space!
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